Pretty lame Jar
Not interesting and a little too hard.
Intro skip by pressing k?
You were on drugs, when you decided to do that, right?
Pretty lame Jar
Not interesting and a little too hard.
Intro skip by pressing k?
You were on drugs, when you decided to do that, right?
Not that good.
All of the characters are stereotypes.
There are things to do, where i just think: "what the fuck?" like when you have to burn the cat. Why the fuck do i have to kill an innocent cat?!?
Or this game, where you have to react like sonic!
I just couldnt pause the tape, when the demon appeared. Why do i have to pause this tape?
In reality, she watched it like 20 times, and still doesnt get, that theres a flying monster?
Why do i have to click the face?!? It just doesnt make sense, and without the walkthrough, i would never had tried such a dumb thing.
Oh, and... at the beginning, she talks about the "shiny object" in the woods (log).
Why the hack is she calling it shiny? okay, there are sparks, but theyre just for the player, right? Why does she see the sparks?
Too many weird things in this game...
And its copied like hell.. even the silent hill siren.
Dude, you cant copy details like the siren.
Thats too... you know... blatant...
I give you 3/10.
and the killcounter doesnt work
Cant save Child
Child is not savebale
Better than the others
but not that great ;)
Theres a activity level monitor
Theres a activity level monitor at the top.
He wants us to rave!
+2 Stars for the funny faces :)
Epic ending!
"Congratulation! You killed a puppy!"
Epic *Rotfl*
Doesnt work on my Mac
I allowed the acces to my Webcam, but it wont activate it.
No HW or Softwareproblem on my Mac.
N f th bst shtrs vt plyd!
Grt gm, kp n th wrk!
Lv t!
Joined on 4/30/09